
Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 16.4.21: “A New Term, New Hope….”




Executive Principal’s Blog:

16th April 2021



Bushey Meads News

Executive Principal’s Blog – 16.4.21: “A New Term, New Hope….”

The start of this all-important summer term coincides with the start of Ramadan, a time of fasting, introspection and prayer for all Muslim students and colleagues in our BMS family. We wish them well as they celebrate the month during which Muhammad received the initial revelations of the Quran and, through the discipline of fasting, practise one of the five fundamental principles of Islam. At this time of year, with the other major religious festivals taking place, including Easter and Pesach, it reminds of the rich tapestry of life and the importance of faith within our school and wider community.

This term there is a real energy and focus on supporting our Year 11 and 13 students who are working hard to prepare for their all-important internal assessments. These will serve to provide additional evidence for teachers and exam boards as Centre Assessed Grades are carefully calculated for their GCSE and A Level results.  I would like to congratulate and thank all students for their positive attitude at this time and for starting the summer term so well.

As usual do click on the link to read our latest BMS News and see all the positive things that have taken place this week.

With very best wishes,

Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal