
Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 26.4.19

Following the recent Osfted inspection at Bushey Meads School which took place last term I am delighted to inform you that the final report has now been published and it is a superb endorsement of the outstanding work of all students, staff, parents and carers and Governors and Trustees over the last 3 ½ years. You can access the report, which has been placed on our school website, via the link here: https://busheymeads.org.uk/about-us/ofsted/

In September 2015, during our last Ofsted inspection, Bushey Meads was judged to be a Good school and the latest inspection report indicates that, whilst the school remains good there is sufficient evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school may be judged outstanding if it received a full 2 day Section 5 Inspection now. During the inspection itself the Lead Inspector considered that there is sufficient evidence at our wonderful school of strong practice and marked improvement in performance in specific areas to believe that Bushey Meads may be judged outstanding under a Section 5 Inspection if it was carried out now.

The journey here simply continues as we move towards greatness and we look forward to our next Ofsted visit that will very likely endorse the exciting journey that we are on. Do have a careful read of the inspection report and take note of some of the powerful language used to describe our superb school; a few outstanding sentences and phrases have been highlighted below:


  • the school has improved significantly overall
  • staff are very proud and motivated to be part of the school
  • you have created an exceptionally positive culture around the philosophy of having a ‘mind to be kind’
  • in addition to exceptional subject choice, your enrichment and extracurricular provision is extensive
  • Governors know the school very well because of their involvement in the school’s inclusive and thorough self-evaluation procedures
  • you have made it exceptionally clear to parents and carers as to how pupils are kept safe
  • vulnerable pupils are very well supported
  • there is extensive planning and provision for most-able pupils
  • the deputy headteacher works extensively with pastoral leaders and those who lead SEND; together, they work creatively to remove barriers to learning.
  • leaders build your ‘mind to be kind’ culture by prominently displaying signs, weekly emails, daily character-development sessions, pictures and promoting random acts of kindness
  • pupils told us that bullying is not a problem in the school
  • pupils know that the highly valued pastoral team will react quickly and effectively to deal with any problem
  • we saw exemplary behaviour in lessons, at breaktime and at lunchtime; good behaviour is a strong feature of the school
  • Innovative school-wide continuous professional development ensure a constant focus on sharing great teaching practice
  • the LRC is an important hub for pupils


As always there are a few areas to improve, however we are certainly not complacent and will continue to embed our outstanding practice across all aspects of our superb learning community here at Bushey Meads. Thank you for the part that you play as parents and carers and for your continued commitment to our great school. As always don’t forget to click on the link to read about the rest of this week’s BMS News……..


Jeremy Turner

Executive Principal