The A Level Dance course aims to encourage students to develop, demonstrate and articulate practical and theoretical knowledge. Students will understand and experience technical and performance skills while exploring the process and art of choreography. The viewing and appreciation of professional dance works will help inspire students to analyse artistic and cultural contexts, applying this to their own creations.
This course is designed for students who are curious and enthusiastic about developing practical elements of dance and gaining a strong understanding of dance history.
Study will focus on both historical and current dance practices predominantly in the styles of American Jazz, drawing information from popular movies and practitioners such as Singin’ in the Rain and Gene Kelly and the Contemporary style looking at Christopher Bruce’s Rooster and Rambert Dance Company. Practical exploration of these styles is at the centre of the specification and within this, students will choreograph, perform and teach thus developing their practical understanding.
Students will gain an abundance of future life skills including teamwork, communication, self-discipline and leadership whilst developing your artistic excellence, intellectual curiosity and creative mindset. All of these are sought after skills by higher education and employers and will help students stand out in the workplace no matter their choice of career.
Course Details
Ballet, Jazz & Modern Technique
In this unit you will be introduced to the dance styles and their historical contexts. This unit aims to provide students with the foundations through practical exploration of the key styles.
This unit will finish with a duet choreography assessment project.
Christopher Bruce Repertoire work
You will study key practitioner, Christopher Bruce and his stylistic features through practically and theoretically exploring a selection of his professional works. You will understand, analyse, learn, choreograph and perform in Bruce’s neo-classical style.
Working with a Stimulus
You will develop your choreographic skills by working in groups to create a piece of choreography inspired by a stimulus. This unit prepares students for their Group Choreography assessment based on a choice of stimulus set by AQA.
Rambert Dance Company
In this unit you will research and expand your understanding of Rambert Dance Company. Focusing on the historical factors that impacted the company, looking at the 1960s that saw the start of a process to introduce modern dance to Britain. You will delve into the contemporary professional dance work Rooster by Christopher Bruce
Component 1: Solo performance linked to a specified practitioner
You will finish year 12 by completing the first part of your solo assessments. This allows you to continue your work when you begin year 13. You will choose from a list of choreographers which one you would like to inspire your choreography.
Component 1: Performance in a Quartet
In this unit you will collaborate with the teacher and peers to create and choreograph your quartet assessment. You will often take on the role of the teacher and share your choreography, ideas and influences with your group. This helps create a collaborative piece of choreography determined by all students in the group.
American Jazz
You will explore the American Jazz genre looking into Gene Kelly’s history and professional dance works and films including Singin’ in the Rain. This unit dedicates itself to deepening your understanding and knowledge of the jazz dance genre both practically and theoretically.
Component 1: Group Choreography
In this unit and assessment you will take on the professional role of a choreographer. You will choreograph a group dance for three to five people, be in control of who your dancers are and show authority of discussing, managing and arranging rehearsal times. This may be work created in the year 12 unit Working with a Stimulus or it may be new work developed in year 13.
Component 2: Critical Engagement
You will undertake your final preparations before sitting your written examination. This will focus on displaying your in-depth knowledge and understanding of two set works, Rooster and Singin’ in the Rain, and their corresponding areas of study, Rambert Dance Company and American Jazz Dance.
There are two components in the course. Component 1: Performance & Choreography includes three assessments, solo performance, quartet and group choreography, which will all be assessed by a visiting examiner. Component 2: Critical Engagement is a written examination that is assessed externally.
Support Materials
- Bob Fosse – https://www.masterworksbroadway.com/artist/bob-fosse/
- Bob Fosse’s ‘The Rich Man’s Frug’ –
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcrZIK3gqbU
- Christopher Bruce, Rambert – https://www.rambert.org.uk/performance-database/people/christopher-bruce/
- Fred Astaire & Gene Kelly – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKapFZt-sO0
- Gene Kelly – https://www.notablebiographies.com/Jo-Ki/Kelly-Gene.html
- Jerome Robbins – http://jeromerobbins.org/
- Rambert Archive Resources – http://www.rambert.org.uk/explore/rambert-archive/
- Rambert Dance Company – https://www.rambert.org.uk/about-us/
- Richard Alston – https://www.richardalstondance.com/richard
- Rooster, Christopher Bruce – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bTW8tPL6qY&list=PL4F3B261E734B7D91
- Sadlers Wells Bruce Resources – https://www.sadlerswells.com/search/?q=christopher+bruce&cx=011311583532706129781%3Anye83nayopo&ie=UTF-8&sa=Go