As a school we have an embedded ‘What’s Working Well, Even Better If’ culture and, as such, fully embrace the Ofsted framework, seeing it as a powerful tool to school improvement.
Each Autumn term every teacher is involved in an in-depth individual and faculty self-evaluation exercise that highlights strengths and areas for ongoing improvement matched against all areas of the framework; this informs regular strategic planning meetings with Governors and shapes our whole school Self Evaluation Framework or SEF.
The full document is available here and is broken down into 6 key sections for ease of navigation:
- Contextual Information
- The quality of education
- Behaviour and attitudes
- Personal development
- Leadership and management
- Overall effectiveness
A useful summary document is also available here which shows the next steps in our ongoing ‘journey to greatness’.
If you would like to read a short summary booklet about our wonderful learning community please also click here.