Careers & Work Related Learning
Students look at the world of work and discuss what types of careers are available to them and how careers link to education.
They will all have the opportunity to visit Kidzania where they will be able to try out many different vocations. In order to raise aspirations and motivation for learning, the whole of Year 7 are taken to Cambridge and have an opportunity to visit the University.
In Year 9 the students follow a programme of events helping them identify their skills and attributes. Using various online programmes including Careersoft JED and Unifrog they will find out about careers and labour market information. Visiting local careers fairs and BMS enrichment events, parents evenings and one to one guidance sessions for all students prepares them to be able to make informed choices and decisions.
Preparing students for higher education and the world of work.
Students take part in enterprise events and enrichment days across the curriculum developing key skills such as creativity and leadership and linking the curriculum to careers.
All Year 10 students take part in a week of work experience giving them first hand experience of the workplace.
One to one guidance sessions for all students regarding post 16 options.
All students produce a CV and Personal statement and meet with local colleges and Apprenticeship providers to ensure that every student is aware of the options available to them. They continue to use Unifrog, building up an online portfolio of their skills and experiences, current labour market information and information on further and higher education in order to help them at this time of transition.
6th form taster sessions across all subjects.
Working with every student to ensure that they secure the best destination for themself.
In order to raise the aspirations of our students we run many trips to different individual Universities and the UCAS convention where they have the opportunity to meet with over 150 universities under one roof.
Parents evenings which include talks from apprenticeship providers and Universities.
One to one guidance meetings with Careers Leader to help students secure their own work placement. A week of work experience for all Year 12 students.
Alumini led assemblies to inspire and motivate.
Guided support throughout the UCAS process and for Apprenticeships and employment.
Individual interviews with local employers for all Year 13 students.
Working with and supporting all students to ensure that everyone has a destination that meets their goals.

Careers Leader