At Bushey Meads, our Form Tutors are proudly known as Character Development Coaches. We see their role as far more than somebody to fill in a form. A Character Development Coach is a student’s first port of call in any storm. They are experienced and supportive of all students who are part of their Character Development Group. With seven Character Development Coaches per year in Year 12 and Year 13 there is a broad range of knowledge and skills available to support the pastoral needs of all students. All our Character Development Coaches will track and monitor attendance, punctuality and progress of all students under their care. Character Development Coaches will contact home if required and may, if necessary, use the Character Development Coach report to monitor day-to-day progress.
Within Year 13 the student’s Character Development Coach is responsible for the initial work on the school-based reference often used within the UCAS application process. The Year 13 Character Development Coach will work closely with either the Head or Deputy Head of Sixth Form in finalising this reference.
As part of the Character Development programme our Character Development Coach will oversee the implementation of the school Themes for the Week as well as monitor all student’s progress on the ‘Kindness Matters’ programme.
Year 12

Year 13