Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 1 July 2016

EPB20160701The highlight of this week was undoubtedly our prestigious annual Prize Giving Evening held on Wednesday in the Main Hall. Proud parents enjoyed a champagne reception and delicious canapés with the high achieving students and hardworking staff, before being escorted into our smart refurbished Main Hall to sit on the comfortable theatre raked seating for the award ceremony.

As a school community we were delighted to welcome Baroness Billingham of Banbury as our guest of honour who presented all the superb awards and gave an inspirational speech at the end of the evening. She left us all uplifted and motivated to succeed at the highest level – whatever our background and starting points.

I would like to congratulate all the student prize winners who truly epitomise our school motto Aspire to Achieve and who are such fantastic role models for the rest of our school community.

We now look forward to our end of year Prize Giving Assemblies taking place on the last day of term – Friday 22nd July. Parents will be invited to join us at these special assemblies throughout the morning on this day and further details of the timings of these will follow in the coming week.

Finally, many of you may have heard in the local press that unfortunately Highwood Primary School was completely flooded last week in the recent heavy rains; their students have been unable to attend school. Working with their Headteacher Mrs Della Allen, Deputy Headteacher Mrs Cathy Cox and staff from the Local Authority I am really pleased that, with our increased capacity (with Year 11 and Sixth Form students having finished their studies at BMS) we have been able to welcome them to our school community.

Over 240 Highwood students from Years 2 – 6, along with all their teachers and teaching assistants, will be part of our wonderful learning community until the end of term. I know all our students and staff will make them feel extremely welcome and very much part of our school in these difficult circumstances. I would like to thank everyone for their hard work in making this a reality and helping out another local school in this way.

Don’t forget as usual to click on the link to read about the rest of this week’s BMS News……..

Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal