Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 12 May 2017: The Awesome Power of the Arts!

EPB20170512 1One of the greatest twentieth century French-Russian artists Marc Chagall is famously quoted as saying that “Great art picks up where nature ends.” Many of us are so inspired by the world around us and, over the last fortnight at BMS, there has been a real spotlight on the incredibly talented and inspirational performing artists at our school.

The GCSE Dance Show which took place at the end of last month was spectacular; the packed audience was enthralled for nearly two hours with the energetic and poignant choreography on stage throughout the breathtaking event.

EPB20170512 2This week it was the turn of the Year 11 GCSE Drama students and they certainly did not disappoint. At times the audience were held on the edge of their seat, feeling the tension in the room; at other times there were tears of laughter running down our cheeks. It was a brilliant evening and reminded me how much the performing and visual arts at our school are inspiring our students and enabling them Aspire to Achieve to the very highest level. All credit goes to the young performers but also to their incredibly skillful and gifted teachers who guide them to these heights of creative expression. Nature does indeed inspire us to certain peaks but the performing and visual arts (one of the key heart beats of our school) take us further!

epb20170505 2Finally I would like to thank the nearly 80 parents who took the trouble to complete the short Parent View questionnaire which really helps with our continued self-evaluation and school improvement process. If you haven’t yet responded, please do click on the link below to access the questionnaire and enter your opinions:


Many thanks in advance. Do enjoy the weekend and don’t forget to also click on the link to read about more about this week’s BMS News……..

Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal