Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 23 October 2015

Following the recent very successful Section 5 Ofsted Inspection of Bushey Meads School that took place earlier this term, I am delighted to have received the very positive inspection report letter which we have now uploaded to our website. Whilst the relatively short letter clearly cannot reflect all the good and outstanding work that takes place in our school each and every day, it does paint a very positive picture of a wonderful school on an exciting journey.

High aspirations and expectations of all leaders and governors, improved teaching and outcomes for students, enjoyment of learning, inspirational display, an interesting and relevant curriculum, good relationships with a very positive parental body, clear rules and a strong sense of responsibility and purpose, both in and outside of lessons…….

…….are all superb phrases within a very positive report that recognises and pays tribute to the hard work of all our staff, students, parents and carers, governors and trustees over recent months. We should all be extremely proud of what has been achieved, both within and beyond our fantastic learning community.

Do access the inspection report via the link below and have a very safe and enjoyable weekend and half term holiday next week.


Don’t forget to also click on this link to read about the rest of this week’s BMS News……..

Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal