Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 17.7.20: ‘Important Dates and Information for September’




Executive Principal’s Blog:

17th July 2020



Executive Principal’s Blog – 17.7.20: ‘Important Dates and Information for September’

As we draw to the close of an unprecedented academic year I would like to thank all our wonderful parents and carers for their continued support for all the staff at Bushey Meads and for all their help with what has undoubtedly been a very difficult time – not least in supporting your children with the challenges of home-schooling over the past four months.

Since June 1st we have managed the safe return to Bushey Meads School of over 740 students. Working within the parameters of the detailed DfE Guidance this has included over 50 Key Stage 3 students who have chosen to return to school to catch up with their remote learning and 160 students in both our Year 10 and Year 12 cohorts who have really appreciated their 2 – 3 hours of face to face lessons since June 15th. Last week a similar number of our Year 11 cohort and nearly 20 external applicants for our Sixth Form have experienced taster lessons for their chosen potential Sixth Form options, setting them up for the summer and life in our outstanding Sixth Form next year.

In addition, over the past week we have also arranged a number of transition mornings for more vulnerable Year 6 students and no less than four exciting Secondary School Experience Days for the 60 Year 6 students within our Multi Academy Trust, even if they are not actually coming to Bushey Meads in September.

Last Friday an extremely well-planned Transition Day took place for our incoming Year 7 cohort. Despite the anxieties caused by the pandemic, over 150 parents and carers of our new Year 7 cohort have put their faith in our school and sent them in for a very happy and safe day as part of their ‘rite of passage’ to secondary school. It was great to see the lovely smiles during the lunchtime picnic on the field!

We are now planning for September and the return of all students to the school. The challenge is to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum (which means that students will be following their usual timetables) but with an emphasis on keeping year groups separate – particularly at break and lunchtimes, which will be at slightly staggered times.

We are finalising our plans and have devised a comprehensive Covid-19 School Re-Opening Plan which includes all the Faculty and Department Risk Assessments written by our hard working Middle Leaders. This document sits alongside and complements our Whole School Covid-19 Risk Assessment (now Version 15). Both documents are available on the website:

BMS Covid-19 Risk Assessment and September 2020 Reopening Plan

The intention is to take a carefully phased approach with different year groups starting at different times in September to enable all staff and students to embed the slightly amended daily routines. Our planned INSET day in September will have to be split over two days Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd September. These are the important dates for you as parents and carers and all students:

Thursday 3rd September

  • The first day for our new Year 7 students
  • Kickstart Meetings for Year 11 students
  • Induction Day for our new external Year 12 students

Friday 4th September 

  • Normal lessons will begin for Year 7 and Year 11 students
  • All Year 12 students will be in school for their important Induction Day.

Monday 7th September
Year 10 and Year 13 students will return to the school.

Tuesday 8th September
Year 9 students will return to the school.

Wednesday 9th September
Year 8 students will return to the school.
Finally don’t forget we are living in a time when our best laid plans always have to be subject to change; if these arrangements do need to change we will as always keep you informed during the summer period. With best wishes for a good weekend and a very safe and happy summer break. As usual don’t forget to click on the link to this week’s BMS News.

Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal

Bushey Meads News