Executive Principal’s Blog – 18.6.21: True Champions….
It is well known that true champions are made from something deep inside them, based on their own desires, dreams and visions; not only that, they also have the skill and the will to make something happen.
Most teachers have an inherent desire and vision to see all young people achieve. What is powerful is when they have the skill and will to make a real difference on a daily basis in the classroom.
One of the most powerful skills a teacher can have is the skill of recognising where a student is at in their learning and then being able to identify the clear next steps they need to take to move their learning on.
As we draw to the end of our third Marking and Feedback Fortnight of the academic year, it has been inspiring for the senior leaders and members of our talented Teaching and Learning Team to be able to walk around classrooms all across our fabulous learning community and see the impact that our marking and feedback is having in securing progress over time for all our learners.
One of my own learning walks through the superb English Faculty at BMS on Wednesday of this week identified so much excellent practice and some true champions of this hugely important aspect of our pedagogy; Miss Stanton was one such champion and the images show some of varied ways she was facilitating that feedback-next step cycle of improvement.
- using a ‘what’s working well’ and ‘even better approach’ in her green pen marking
- providing clear examples of how to improve
- giving a directive instruction for the students to respond to in Purple Pen
- using summary assessment sheets to capture a ‘moment in time’ in the assessment and learning journey
- training students in how to effectively self-assess their own work on the blue stickers we use in school to signpost this type of assessment
- ensuring students capture any verbal feedback she might give the students on the highly visible orange sticker
- ensuring all comments are responded to in Purple Pen
As parents and carers do remind your children to always respond to teacher feedback in purple pen and redraft and upskill their work appropriately. Do always make sure that every feedback sticker is completed, all spellings corrected at least three times and all assessment and other worksheets are struck neatly into their exercise books.
Finally, if you haven’t done so already, as parents and carers please do give you own assessment feedback about Bushey Meads School through the Parent View online questionnaire by clicking on the link below:
Do enjoy the weekend and as always click on the link to read this week’s BMS News.
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal