
Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 19.7.24: ‘Leaving the Shirt in a Better Place!’

Executive Principal’s Blog:

19th July 2024

Bushey Meads News
Executive Principal’s Blog – 19.7.24: ‘Leaving the Shirt in a Better Place!’

As we end another academic year and all look forward to a very well-deserved summer break, it is a time of both reflection and celebration. We were delighted to welcome so many parents and carers to our end of year Prize Giving Assemblies and formally recognise the incredible achievements of so many of our hard working, committed and talented students. I would like to thank all parents and carers for the important part that they play in this ongoing journey and for partnering so positively with the school.

In terms of reflection, the world renowned All Black Rugby Team talk about ‘leaving the shirt in a better place’ and, if you put on the All Black jersey for the first time in your international career, you always aim to leave it and the way you play the position in the team at the end of your tenure, in a better place than the previous player.
As staff this morning we reflected on whether we have left our students in our classes and Character Development Coach groups in a better place at the end of the year, are our classrooms in a better place than the start of the year and are we ourselves better staff – have we progressed and honed our craft and leadership skills?

The answer is of course we have; you don’t work hard for a year with the commitment and purpose that we have at Bushey Meads School with the embedded www ebi (what’s working well and even better if) culture that pervades everything we do. The school continues to improve and we look forward to another very productive year next year.
A huge thank you goes to all staff, students parents & carers, Governors and Trustees for their hard work and support. Do have a very safe and happy summer break.
As always, don’t forget to click on the link to read about the rest of this week’s BMS News……..
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal