Executive Principal’s Blog – 20.12.24: ‘Happy Christmas!’ As we come to the end of another very busy and productive autumn term I would like to sincerely thank all staff, students, parents, governors and trustees for their ongoing hard work and support for the school. Each one of us will I’m sure have our own highlight of the term; this week’s highlight was definitely seeing the Christmas Entertainment!  I am constantly reminded that we have so many positive things to celebrate and can continue to be really proud of all our ongoing achievements. I am sure that 2025 will be an even more successful chapter in the Bushey Meads’ history and I look forward to exciting future developments in the life of the school. There have been some lovely messages of goodwill and thanks this week which I know have encouraged so many staff for the excellent work they are doing. Here is one example of a lovely one which was emailed from a Year 7 student wanting to thank his teachers: Dear Teachers, as the year comes to a close, I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a joyous and prosperous New Year 2025, filled with happiness and success. Best wishes….. Another Year 7 student wanted to pass this message on verbally via another member of staff he works closely with:
Morning everyone, I just wanted to say a massive thank you for all your hard work and support during this first term at BMS. In his words “Bushey Meads is the best school ever!”. I hope you all have a wonderful break and get some well-earned rest! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  That attitude of gratitude reminds me of the delightful students we have in our school and the wonderful work we are all doing together to inculcate such great character traits of kindness in the young people you, as parents and carers, entrust us with each week. On that positive note, I would like to wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas and a productive and successful New Year. We look forward to seeing all students back at school by 10.45 am on Monday 6 th January ready for CDC Time at 11.00 am. With very best wishes to you all. Do click on the link to read about this week’s BMS News…….Jeremy TurnerExecutive Principal |