Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 21st September 2018: The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Attributed to the 4th Century BC Greek philosopher Aristotle, we see this truth in evidence so often at Bushey Meads; yesterday’s hugely successful Year 6 Open Evening was one such example. All staff working together to showcase the very best of what we do each and every day with the young people in our care.

We know we have a great school here at BMS – one which is such a great place to be inspired for learning and, judging by the significant increase in visitors this year, very much a real school of choice in the local area. We all know that we are a school that puts children first, enables all of them to achieve their true potential, developing their all-important character and taking great care of them along the seven year journey through to our vibrant Sixth Form and beyond.

So many parents and carers spoke so highly of the atmosphere across all curriculum areas and the very positive interactions they had with all students and staff and huge thank you goes to all our student ambassadors and of course all the hard working and dedicated staff. Head Prefect Leon and Year 7 student Preesha pictured here delivering their speeches to the packed Main Hall audiences were inspirational.

Over the next few weeks we will be welcoming many hundreds more visitors for our Open Mornings and tours of the school – a great way to see the school in action on a typical day.

Bushey Meads School is without doubt a great place to work and learn so, as usual, don’t forget to click on the link to read about more about this week’s BMS News……..


Jeremy Turner

Executive Principal