
Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 28.2.25: ‘BMS Annual Conference’

Executive Principal’s Blog:

28th February 2025

Bushey Meads News
Executive Principal’s Blog – 28.2.25: ‘BMS Annual Conference’

I would like to thank all staff involved in organising such a successful Staff Annual Conference which took place on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Day 1 of the conference was led by Lead Practitioner Ms Druce and her colleagues on our Teaching and Learning Team and had a focus on ‘Engagement for All’. Practitioners from across all faculties in the school showcased exemplary lessons and provided the opportunity for staff to experience what it’s like to be a ‘typical learner’, sharing best practice to increase and maintain high learner engagement in lessons.
Staff were given time to participate in a research-based Reading Group and shared their findings with colleagues; all ideas were then taken back to subject areas to embed in lessons for the benefit of all students.  It was a really positive way to start this half term and we hope that students notice tangible enhancements in their lessons as a result of what was shared. Our hardworking Associate Staff also had a useful day completing Exam Invigilation Training and contributing to sessions related to Finance and HR, IT and Site Developments and Timetabling and Data initiatives.

I would also like to thank the staff who accompanied this year’s annual ski trip and enabled all those who took part to have a fantastic time abroad, reflected in this heartfelt email from a parent:
Hi Mr Harris, my daughter has had the best trip & has been singing your praises! Thank you for all you have done for them. They will remember                                                             this trip forever.
                                     Year 12 Parent
Mr Harris, the trip leader himself stated that the students were “an absolute testament to the school”. He added that “the instructors were keen to tell us that we were their best school of the week. Students listened well and really wanted to improve. All students made huge progress too all week.”
Wishing you a happy weekend; do click on the link to read about this week’s BMS News…….
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal