Executive Principal’s Blog – 30.9.22: ‘Little Things Adding Together’
It is often the many little things in a school that cumulatively create that positive learning culture that enables all children to achieve. Often the little things happen over time – incremental innovations that steadily improve faculties, extracurricular opportunities and even the basic workings of the school. A few little, but hugely important elements, of BMS are highlighted:

This week I have seen exemplary teaching and learning across our English Faculty led by our hard working and talented Head of Faculty Ms Court. Excellent presentation of work, engaging activities, outstanding attitudes to learning and superb marking and feedback was very evident and incredibly impressive in all classes and there was a very consistent approach; high expectations were being realised in all lessons.

Our important Practice Fire Drill for all Key Stage 3 students which took place on Thursday morning was conducted in an exemplary manner. All students walked to and from the Astro Turf with their CDCs in complete silence and practised lining up to be registered under the morning rays of sunshine.
After school on the same day it was great to see the Girls’ Football Training Session led by Associate Leader and Head of Sixth Form Mr O’Kelly. There were some impressive skills on display and the girls spoke highly of their talented coach – everyone looking forward to playing some matches in the coming weeks.

Kurt Vonnegut was quoted as saying “Enjoy the little things in life because one day you`ll look back and realize they were the big things.” The EP’s blog this week highlights a few examples of the important ‘little things’ at Bushey Meads that add up to make our school such a great school.
Thank you to all staff, students, Governors and parents and carers for being part of what we are doing and achieving. As usual, don’t forget to click on the link to read about more about this week’s BMS News……..
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal