
Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 5.7.24: ‘A Moment in Time to Celebrate’

Executive Principal’s Blog:

5th July 2024

Bushey Meads News
Executive Principal’s Blog – 5.7.24: ‘A Moment in Time to Celebrate’

Yesterday evening saw one of the highlights of the year take place in the Main Hall at Bushey Meads School – the school’s Annual Rewards Evening; a prestigious occasion where the very best of our school is showcased and we all take that moment to celebrate everything that is good about our wonderful learning community.

Martin Luther King was attributed with the statement recognising the true goal of education as ‘developing intelligence and character’ – something that is at the heart of what we do at BMS through our embedded Enrichment and Character Development Programmes, weekly assemblies and Theme of the Week activities, and through the outstanding daily work of our Character Development Coaches.

Staff at the school, working alongside our committed parents and carers, under the outstanding leadership of our Governors and Trustees, are leaving a true legacy in the lives of the young people in our care. This was powerfully evidenced in the dance and music performances, highlighted in some of the amazing achievements shown in the ‘photos of the year’ and in the outstanding awards presented by our guest speaker Lily Adams. Lily is a shining example of a BMS Alumni, currently studying at Bristol University and about to embark on a placement year in Spain. Her speech, which focussed on embracing opportunity and change, despite the challenges that come your way, was truly inspiring!

There are some very real challenges in education at present. These range from significant funding issues, difficulties in the recruitment of teachers and Associate Staff, 1 in 10 children struggling to attend our schools across the country, the pressure of Ofsted inspections, negative media attention, mental health in teenagers and sometimes unrealistic expectations from stakeholders. Despite this there is so much to celebrate and be grateful for and yesterday evening was so important in reminding us of the legacy we leave as teachers, learning assistants, parents and carers and all those associated with the fantastic young people in our care.

I would like to pay tribute to all our students who received Certificates of Achievement, Student of the Year Trophies and Special Cups and Awards. A huge thank you goes to the students themselves, their families, the staff who organised the event and all those involved in putting on such an inspiring Art and Design & Technology Exhibition enjoyed before the main awards ceremony.

As always do also click on the link to read this week’s BMS News highlighting some of the things that have been happening in our learning community this week.
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal