
Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 6.9.24: The exciting journey continues…

Executive Principal’s Blog:

6th September 2024

Bushey Meads News

Executive Principal’s Blog – 6.9.24: ‘The exciting journey continues..’

At the end of last term, over 800 students were recognised for their amazing achievements during 2023.24 in our prestigious Prize Giving Assemblies. It was delightful to be able to welcome parents and carers to these events and it made for a really lovely and very positive way to end the term. These occasions make us proud and remind us what an amazing school we have at Bushey Meads.

We are also immensely proud of this year’s A level and GSCE results which continue to speak of an outstanding school and one that continues to improve year on year. Even after the disruption of the last four years and continued challenges in education experienced by all schools during this academic year, students on results day 2024 celebrated some outstanding successes, marking the culmination of another year of excellent academic and personal achievements for students at the school.

Many of our Sixth Form students have gained places at some of the most prestigious universities in the world including UCL, York, Warwick, Manchester, Surrey, Newcastle, Nottingham, Birmingham, Brighton, Bath, Reading, SOAS University of London and Plymouth to name just a few. Others are starting exciting higher-level apprenticeships with a number of leading global institutions.

Our Sixth Form continues to grow significantly in popularity with many more ‘new to school’ students than ever joining last year’s Year 11 students staying on. As we start the new academic year we look forward to many more celebrations of achievement at all levels. As parents and carers, do encourage your children to complete all their GAP tasks to be able to start the new academic year on a really positive note.

Finally, it has been lovely to hear of so many students taking part in exciting opportunities over the summer holiday and demonstrating those very important character traits we work hard to inculcate in all of our students.  On that note I had a lovely email from Clare Tyler, the Community and Engagement Manager with Adoption UK about Kacey in Year 9 who volunteered at a summer weekend camp for adoptive families. Clare said that she was brilliant and really supported the children over the weekend. She made sure that everyone was involved in activities, helped the younger children with encouragement and friendship and was a ‘real superstar’. The families and children provided so much positive feedback about how lovely it was having her as a volunteer with her experience of having attended the camp herself for many years herself.

With very best wishes for a good weekend; don’t forget to click on the link to read about more about this week’s BMS News……..

Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal