Executive Principal’s Blog – 7.6.24: ‘Amazing Role Models and Inspiring Students’ We have so many amazing students at Bushey Meads School, many of whom act as real role models and provide great inspiration for other students. As a school community we are becoming increasingly aware of many of our students’ notable achievements, not just in school but outside of school. Celebrating their success enables us to inspire others to great things, which further impacts on achievement both in and out of school. As parents and carers, you will be aware if your child has - achieved recognition at a national or regional level
- received a national or regional accolade for their charitable contribution or voluntary work
- taken part in a regional or national competition and been recognised for doing this
- achieved a qualification or certificate outside of school (e.g. a Grade 6 or above Royal School of Music qualification, a higher-level sporting certificate, something similar in the field of dance or other art form.)
If they have, please let us know by completing the questionnaire accessed by clicking on the link below, providing a short description of what they have achieved and a photo for display in school. Celebrating Outstanding Success Form(By completing the form, we would assume that you are happy for their achievements to be displayed on a noticeboard in school and/or celebrated in our weekly newsletter). Please be aware that you will be required to login to the Google Form with your Google account to upload a photo of the achievement due to a security feature. If you do not have a Google account, your child’s school account will work. Don’t forget to click on the usual link to read the latest BMS News…….. Jeremy TurnerExecutive Principal |