Ms Silla
Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form
Ms Silla has worked at Bushey Meads sinch January 2024 and has joined as the Assistant Headteacher responsible for Sixth Form and Transition from Key Stage 4 into Key stage 5. She is a member of the Humanities faculty and teachers Sociology and PSHE. She is also responsible for the House System and the Student Leadership at Bushey Meads, allowing the student voice to be heard regularly through the use of student parliament. She is a reassuring and supportive member of staff who is always willing to help students to thrive onto their next steps. Ms Silla is responsible for the enriching experiences of students at KS5 and wants all students to succeed using the schools core values of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships.

Mrs Timotheou
Assistant Head of Sixth Form
Mrs Timotheou has been working within the Sixth Form since 2015. Her experience in pastoral care is exemplary and has an incredible reputation for the kindness and care taken with our students. She oversees the Kindness Matters programme which has been extremely successful over the last few years. Mrs Timotheou is always available to support and reassure students their studies and any other concerns they may have, helping to ensure their experience in our school is memorable.

Mr Harris
Sixth Form Leader
Mr Harris has been a staff member at Bushey Meads since 2020 and has held various roles. He started working across the trust and delivering curriculum PE across KS1 – KS5, where he has subsequently moved from there to now focusing his time in Sixth Form. He started his role as Sixth Form Leader in September 2023, where his main focus was running the Elevate & Excel programme which supports students who have found the transition from Year 11 to 12 difficult and are not quite achieving where they should be. As well as this, he is there to support students with any teaching and learning concerns, whilst also ensuring that high quality teaching and learning are taking place within all Sixth Form lessons. Mr Harris is always looking for innovative ways to develop his teaching and enjoys sharing good practice amongst colleagues to encourage them to deliver the best lessons possible. He is based in Sixth Form study centre and therefore is available for any questions from students at any time.

Mrs Sullivan
Pastoral Administration Officer for KS5