Dear Parents,
Although we are continuing to experience winter weather with no overnight snow and slightly warmer temperatures, a full site walk this morning indicates that the school is safe to open. The local roads are still a little slippery, but the main roads are clear and most buses are operating as normal. Do exercise caution when driving and be aware of potential patches of black ice.
With the continued cold wind I would ask all parents to remind students to wear very warm clothes and appropriate alternative footwear if necessary. A proper waterproof coat (no hoodies), gloves and hats are advisable.
Do also ensure that your children exercise caution when travelling to school – side roads and pavements are a little slippery. In addition please explain to your children the following health and safety issues.
When in school, students will need to move around the school site with care, using the paths that have been cleared between the buildings and salted/gritted.
The playground and grassy areas around the school are out of bounds for health and safety reasons.
Snowballs should not be thrown under any circumstances as salt and grit has been spread around the school site and, if someone was hit in the face with a snowball containing even the slightest lump of salt or grit, they could be hurt.
Whilst increased levels of staff supervision are being arranged, if students are anxious about being outside at break and lunchtime they should stay in the School Restaurant Area where extra seating will be provided, the LRC, or one of the many indoor lunchtime clubs and activities.
Finally if there are any changes to the situation and, in case of more snow later today, updates will be posted on the school website and sent to parents via groupcall/text message.
With many thanks for your cooperation,
Mr Turner
Executive Principal
School day lesson times for Friday 2nd March will be as usual, apart from lesson 5 which will start at 1.45 pm and school finishing at the earlier time of 2.45 pm.