Year 8 Spanish trip

From 6-10th July forty Year 8 students took part in the annual Spanish trip to Barcelona. The  trip  comprised a visit to Park Guell where Gaudi’s impressive mosaic work and strange shapes fascinated our students as did his masterpiece, the stunning ‘La Sagrada Familia’ Cathedral where an interactive guided tour helped our students to further appreciate his work.Much Spanish was learnt throughout the trip  particularly in La Boquería fruit market on las Ramblas where  students completed a language challenge although much new vocabulary and phrases were also learnt at meal times when students sampled traditional Spanish food such as tapas,paella,churros and tortilla.The highlights of the trip were undoubtedly the Salsa workshop, the tour of the F.C Barcelona stadium and the visit to Aqua Leon water park where students unwound after several days of linguistic and cultural activities.As always, our students’ behaviour was impeccable and they embraced the Spanish culture and language with commendable enthusiasm.

Year 8 Spanish Trip