
Year 9 Trenches Trip

On Friday October 9th whilst it was still dark and most sensible people were  fast asleep 85 intrepid Year 9 students and accompanying staff met at school to set off for Ypres in Belgium. Our purpose… to visit some of the sites from the First World War in support of our focus on this topic in Year 9 History lessons.
After a smooth journey to the area around Ypres, students visited the British Commonwealth cemetery at Tyne Cot  where all were moved by the sheer number of immaculately kept graves. A visit to a German cemetery afterwards made for an interesting contrast. Later students enjoyed exploring the muddy trenches at Sanctuary Wood and the Memorial Museum at Passchendaele before a visit into Ypres to buy Belgian chocolates.
Just as well we had the weekend to come and catch up on sleep but all enjoyed the visit.
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