Executive Principal’s Blog – 17.01.20: The true riches of giving.
I would like to thank and congratulate all the students who have already started donating items for the latest, now annual, House initiative – to collect as much provision as possible for our local food bank.

This week we have heard from one of the hard working volunteers and a specific requested has been made for the following items, which are currently very low in stock: canned meat (meatballs, chicken, spam and ham) tinned fruit, rice pudding, custard, coffee, fruit juice and toilet paper.
It was Anne Frank who said that “No one has ever become poor by giving” and, in line with our motto ‘Our School Has a Mind to be Kind’, I would urge all of you to give at least one thing to this half term’s House competition that really puts others less fortunate than ourselves first. The collection points are outside the staffroom on the staff corridor.
As always, don’t forget to also click on the link to read about more about this week’s BMS News……..
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal