
Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 10.4.20: ‘Love Overcomes’





Executive Principal’s Blog:

10th April 2020



Bushey Meads News

Executive Principal’s Blog – 10.4.20: ‘Love Overcomes

I wouldn’t normally write an EP’s Blog during a holiday period, but during these ‘abnormal’ times it seems appropriate to communicate once again to all students, staff, parents and carers, Governors and Trustees and wish you all the very best and thank you for your ongoing support. I do hope you and all your loved ones are safe and well.I would especially like to thank all the staff who have been working so hard to provide meaningful work to all students working online in the last two weeks of the spring term and for marking the work so thoroughly, rewarding those who have completed the tasks set; it has not been easy.Additionally I would also like to thank all the staff who have freely volunteered to come into school during this first week of the holidays to look after the children of our amazing key workers. Pupil numbers have been fairly low, but this has been a hugely important thing to do to support those BMS parents and carers on the frontline of this current pandemic.

Demonstrating love and care for others is so important; I’m sure we have all read the books and watched those films that depict the sense of love overcoming all difficulties and challenges and giving people the strength to carry on. Whether it is in forgiving the concentration camp guards or moving on from other similarly traumatic experiences, love is a very powerful and positive emotion that heals the deepest wounds and sees you through those difficult times. It is no surprise that, even in these challenging circumstances we find ourselves in today, we are hearing so many stories of love and kindness, as those around us look beyond ourselves and our circumstances – love overcomes.

This week we think about our Jewish colleagues, friends and neighbours celebrating one of the most important Jewish holidays of Passover, a festival commemorating the ancient Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and their transition from slavery to freedom. After suffering 10 plagues in Egypt, God told Moses to instruct the Israelites to mark their doorposts with lambs’ blood so God would ‘pass over’ their homes and let their firstborn sons live.

This weekend is the Christian festival of Easter which is a powerful celebration of love overcoming all things – even death. At this time Christians remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. They believe that Jesus, who they believe was the son of God, died for everyone’s wrong-doings and then came back to life three days later to defeat death and evil: so if you believe in Him you will live forever in Heaven.

At this time of personal reflection, when perhaps we have more time to consider the deeper things in life, I have once again this week been inspired by the children of Bushey Meads School and in particular by Maisie in Year 10 (one of the keyworker children attending school this week) and the way that she has continued to develop her own fantastic artistic talents – even in this difficult period. She has a real gift of drawing and painting and for two years now has drawn inspiration from the songs of Billie Eilish which explore different emotions that we all might experience at times in our lives.

Maisie painted this portrait picture of Billie Eilish using acrylic paints (for the clothes and the tears) and pencil. The artist’s music videos inspired her to create these two contrasting images showing different emotions linked to one of her songs ‘When the Party is Over’ and a more upbeat celebratory image of the                                                                                                   singer/songwriter herself.

This second pencil drawing is one of Masie’s favourites as it depicts the varied facets of Billie Eilish’s character and personality and reminds us all that there are different sides to all of us.

My personal favourite of Maisie’s pencil drawings is this one below which to me has the quality of a photo; it is amazingly inspiring! Maisie herself said it took her the most time – over three weeks, and definitely speaks of commitment and dedication to developing her superb talent.

So to end I wish you all the very best from a sunny and inspiring Bushey Meads School.
Happy Pesach, Happy Easter, stay safe and remember love overcomes!
I wish you all a very happy weekend and do click on the link if you didn’t get a chance to read our latest BMS News published last Friday.
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal