Executive Principal’s Blog – 10.6.22: It all Starts with Self-Belief
This week our Theme of the Week has been Belief and we have taken the opportunity to remind ourselves of one of our core words that form our ‘BMS saying’ of Belief, Motivation, Success. It all starts with a growth mindset attitude that, whilst we might not be able to do something yet, with self-belief and hard work we will be able to do it one day.

A few years ago, many of us might have said ‘I can’t do it’ but do now say ‘I can do it’ – proof that Belief and Mindset do lead to success. We need to keep removing the apostrophe and letter ‘t’!
With only 30 school days left of this current school year, there is a real emphasis on ending well and preparing to start the next academic year strongly – making every day better than the one before. The staff in this school really do care about the students and want them all to be successful in all areas of school life; I want to thank them for continuing to work hard and for so often going the extra mile for the students in their care. It is inspiring to see and also inspiring to see the students improve and grow into being wonderful young adults, ready to take on the new challenges that they face.
Inspiring people like Andy Murray give us simple tips for how to believe that we can be successful in a school setting, surrounded by talented and inspiring teachers and learning assistants. He tells us to do three simple things:
- Visualise what success is (think about your future dreams).
- Turn up for training (get to lessons fully equipped and on time).
- Listen and learn from the trainer (your teachers and learning assistants).
As parents and carers you too play your important role in their ongoing journey and for that and for your continued support for the school, we are extremely grateful. Do, as always, enjoy a good weekend and don’t forget to click on the link to read this week’s BMS News…….
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal