Executive Principal’s Blog – 12.6.20: ‘A New Normal Emerges!’
As more parents and carers have been in contact with the school, as expected, it is clear that this period of remote learning has presented challenges for all concerned; students are quite rightly anxious to ensure that they do not fall behind with their learning.
As from last Monday the latest guidance issued by the government and the DfE has enabled schools to have the flexibility to implement face-to-face support for pupils who have struggled to fully engage in remote education and would benefit from attending school. We have modelled this recently with the small but significant number of Year 12 and Year 10 students who have attended school to work in ‘bubbles’ and catch up, prior to their lessons officially starting next Monday or on June 22nd.
One of our Year 10 students Ella made the most of the quiet and supervised learning environment this week to improve her outstanding art work – a few images of which are shown below:

We are now extending this provision to students in Years 7 – 9 and also enabling any Year 11 students to access the inspiring working environment of our outstanding Sixth Form in preparation for their Post 16 studies here at BMS in September. The school is slowly returning to a ‘new normal’ and it has been lovely to see the students and teachers back in school.
Our school continues to demonstrate an outstanding level of performance, recognised by the Ofsted inspection findings earlier this year. One of our strengths highlighted in the published report was reinforced by the superb achievement of all staff, led by Mrs McIldowie our hard working and inspirational Head of Work Related Learning and her team, who has enabled the school to be the first school in the Watford, Three Rivers & Hertsmere area to achieve all eight of the hugely important ‘Gatsby benchmarks’ – indicating our outstanding provision here at Bushey Meads.
So many parents have recently expressed gratitude to the staff for their continued hard work and support during the last few months epitomised by this message for a Year 10 parent:
Please pass on my thanks to all the teachers who, in my opinion are
doing an outstanding job. A lot of the other schools are not setting as much work
and keeping normality from what I have heard.
Year 10 Parent
With best wishes for a good weekend and as usual don’t forget to click on the link to this week’s BMS News.
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal