Executive Principal’s Blog – 2.7.21: ‘New Leadership Positions and Opportunities’
Following the recent appointment of Mrs Ash to the permanent Headship at Falconer School, we are delighted to announce that our current Acting Deputy Headteacher Mr Searle has been appointed to the substantive Deputy Headship position at Bushey Meads School. This important appointment reflects his hard work, dedication and exemplary leadership in the school over many years. As a school we are very fortunate to have someone of such quality operating at this level within the organisation.
In addition, after being in the Acting Assistant Headship post since October 2020, as well as a number of senior leadership positions within the school in previous years, we are also delighted to inform you that Mrs Knowles has been appointed to a substantive Assistant Headship position on the Senior Leadership Team of the school. I’m sure you will join me in congratulating them both for their outstanding achievements. We have all really appreciated the major contributions they have both made and know that their clear leadership strengths will continue to help to move the school forward as we embed greatness across all areas.
Within our embedded leadership development structures, we continue to develop leaders at every level and this term, we are delighted to have been selected to support a senior leadership National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) placement for Mr Abusef, who is currently a senior leader at Falconer School. Students and staff have welcomed him to Bushey Meads and are grateful for the capacity he has provided to look at an important aspect of our provision. He is focussing on reviewing our learning journey through Key Stage 3 from Year 6, particularly in Maths and English, and will be presenting his findings to the senior leaders and Governors at the end of term. We will use his research and leadership insights to make further changes to our provision.
Having heard about our success as a school in developing leaders, Colindale-based Church Community Leader Andy Cooley visited Bushey Meads on Wednesday of this week and had the opportunity to look around the school, meet many key staff and students and also join the Senior Leadership Team meeting scheduled on that day. He thoroughly enjoyed the visit and was really impressed with the calm and purposeful atmosphere around the school and the clear emphasis on leadership development at every level, including throughout our superb student body.
He was really interested in the Character Development programme we organise at the school and is pictured here speaking to one of our outstanding Character Development Coaches Mrs Hanbury. After also speaking to Head Librarian, Owen he commented on how aspirational the students were, how clear about their significant contribution to the school community they could make and how they could articulate how much the school had improved during their time at the school. As always, the students were fantastic ambassadors for BMS.

He was really interested in the Character Development programme we organise at the school and is pictured here speaking to one of our outstanding Character Development Coaches Mrs Hanbury. After also speaking to Head Librarian, Owen he commented on how aspirational the students were, how clear about their significant contribution to the school community they could make and how they could articulate how much the school had improved during their time at the school. As always, the students were fantastic ambassadors for BMS.
As usual do click on the link and read about the latest BMS News.
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal