Executive Principal’s Blog – 23.9.22: ‘The Power of Working Together.’
I would like to thank all students and staff for their involvement and support for yesterday’s hugely successful Year 6 Open Evening. All of us were working together to showcase the very best of what we do each and every day with the young people in our care. We know we have a great school and, judging by the significant number of visitors this year, very much a real school of choice in the local area.
So many parents and carers who visited us yesterday spoke so highly of the positive culture and atmosphere across the school and the very positive interactions they had with all students and staff; a huge thank you goes to all our wonderful student ambassadors. Pictured here is Associate Leader Mr Abusef inspiring visitors in IT and Computing.

Inspirational American author, disability rights advocate, political activist and lecturer Helen Keller once said “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” With all staff and students working together so positively, Bushey Meads School is without doubt a great place to work and learn.
As usual, don’t forget to click on the link to read about more about this week’s BMS News……..
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal