Executive Principal’s Blog – 24.2.23 ‘Update on School Closures’
As a reminder, as things stand at the moment and due to the large number of staff in the NEU at Bushey Meads School and the planned strike action, the school will have to close next Wednesday 1st March, and (if no pay deal is agreed with the Government) on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 2023.
Please remind and encourage your children to complete as much work as possible at home on these days on the varied online platforms available. These include SAMLearning, MyMaths, Dr Frost Maths, Educake, SENECA Learning and GCSE BiteSize.
With the limited staff on site we can, once again offer to Year 11 and 13 students only the option of coming into school next Wednesday and completing independent learning in supervised learning zones. Year 11 students should register and remain in the Learning Hub/School Restaurant and Year 13 students should register and remain in the Sixth Form Centre. Students wishing to take up this opportunity will be offered a limited break and lunchtime catering service via the School Restaurant.
We do once again apologise for the disruption caused by the strikes but want to reassure you that, despite the challenges currently being experienced across the education landscape, all staff continue to support all students at Bushey Meads in and beyond the classroom with their ongoing learning and achievement. Last week’s ski trip was a huge success and one example of those additional opportunities provided. On that note it was delightful to receive so many examples of grateful feedback from, not only parents and carers, but also members of the public in the ski resort itself – a real credit to the staff and students involved.

Dear Ms Waring, I just wanted to say a big thank you to you and the other staff members who went skiing. Our daughter had an amazing time and fell in love with skiing. She loved everything about the trip (apart from the food!) Thank you for giving up your time to take the children and for organising everything- including managing to get them home through the strikes in Calais. Best wishes. Year 10 Parents
Hello Mrs Waring, Thank you so much for all your hard work organising the trip, and for giving up your half term to go to Falcade. Our daughter had an amazing time & really didn’t want to come home, always the sign of a great holiday! Every time I spoke to her during the week, she was excited to tell me about the skiing she had done and she is desperate to go back. Even the delays at Calais didn’t spoil her experience & I know her memories of the trip will be something that she always treasures. Please pass on my thanks to the rest of the team. Year 10 Parent
Dear Mr Turner, I have had the pleasure of staying in the Hotel San Giusto in Falcade, Italy, this week where a large group of staff and students from Bushey Meads were also spending a week skiing. I wanted you to know that the behaviour of your students was exemplary at all times – they were a pleasure to be around and they do your school enormous credit. Congratulations to the staff who led what looked like a very successful and enjoyable trip and I wish everyone a safe return back to the UK. Yours sincerely, Richard Thomas
In terms of advance warning to Year 9 Parents and Carers (with the potential strike day taking place on Wednesday 15th March) the hugely important Year 9 Options Evening will now move to Wednesday 22nd March from 4.30 – 7.00 pm and will follow on from the ‘Taste of the Future’ sessions for Year 9 students, planned for the Enrichment Day on the same day.
As always do click on the link to read this week’s BMS News highlighting some of the things that have been happening in our fantastic learning community this week.
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal