Executive Principal’s Blog – 25.11.22 ‘Everyone a Learner, Everyone a Reader, Everyone a Leader.’
Within our inclusive learning community, we do encourage everyone to be the best version of themselves that they can be; always learning, reading widely and leading by example are intrinsically part of that overall aspiration.

Everyone a Learner was epitomised in our Friday Faculty Foci in Staff Briefing this morning led by Mr Harrop our More Able Coordinator, who highlighted our latest Flair Booklet titled Drive, a book packed full of amazing challenges to increase intrinsic motivation. It is definitely worth every single student completing at least one challenge contained within the booklet.

Everyone a Reader was very evident across our school this morning during high quality CDC reading activities – all students listening silently to well-chosen age-appropriate texts read by their CDCs to make for a really focussed start to a day full of learning.
Everyone a Leader was demonstrated by Deputy Head Student Benji and Deputy Head Prefect Ibiso who presented so brilliantly at the very important Full Governors Meeting which took place on Wednesday evening, pictured here outlining the new cohesive structures that now exist across the many student leadership groups in our school that all help to make our learning community such a great place to be.

Perhaps this weekend, encourage your children to start or maybe even complete one of the More Able challenges in our superb Drive Booklet
As always do also click on the link to read this week’s BMS News highlighting some of the other amazing things that have been happening in and beyond our school community this week.
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal