Executive Principal’s Blog – 28.11.24: ‘Creating Collective Momentum’ A saying often attributed to a very wise African proverb states that “you can go faster alone, but further together” and it is often that collective momentum that supports complex organisations to go to the next level and keep on that journey of continual improvement.
This week a number of events epitomised the tangible collective momentum that exists at BMS and indicates the positive trajectory our school community is on. The atmosphere of celebration and mutual support at the fantastic House Arts Event on Tuesday evening was one of those events.
In addition, the way all staff, students, Governors and Trustees engaged and enjoyed Governors Day on Wednesday also typified this. This day in itself is such an important day for Student and Staff Voice to connect with our Governors and inform them of the strengths and next steps required to take our learning community to the next level.
On Thursday after school we also formally launched our new School Improvement Plan and started that process of all faculties creating their own Faculty Improvement Plans to support the positive direction of travel for the school for the next three years. If you are interested in reading through the School Improvement Plan, it is available on the school website via this link: Welcome from the Executive Principal As always do also click on this link to read this week’s BMS News. With very best wishes for a good weekend. Jeremy Turner Executive Principal