
Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 28.2.20: Be Sensible and Stay Calm!




Executive Principal’s Blog:

28th February 2020



Bushey Meads News

Executive Principal’s Blog – 28.2.20: Be Sensible and Stay Calm!

It has been a really positive week here at BMS and, as usual, students have been working hard completing their important Pre Public Exams (PPEs) and achieving much in all their lessons across the school community.

As parents and carers you will be aware that there has been a lot of information in the news about Coronavirus. Much of the news has related to school trips to Italy returning after the half term holiday, in light of the recent measures put in place by the Italian Authorities.

I would like to assure you that there is no cause for concern at Bushey Meads as our trip (and indeed all of the school trips run by Hertfordshire schools) were not within the ten towns which the Italian Authorities have put on quarantine measures. Hertfordshire residents therefore remain at low risk.

Taking basic hygiene precautions remains the best way to reduce the chances of spreading any virus: sneeze or cough into a tissue, bin it, wash your hands frequently and don’t touch your face unless you’ve just washed your hands.  Using a normal detergent to clean the surfaces people touch
regularly like door handles and lift buttons is also sensible.

For those who have returned from Northern Italy and go on to develop flu like symptoms, the advice is to stay at home, avoid contact with other people and call NHS111. Please do visit www.gov.uk/coronavirus for the most up to date advice.

Despite the media attention the virus has caused, it has been very pleasing to see the vast majority of students and parents and carers being entirely sensible in their approach and supporting our key priority, which is to keep children appropriately safe and learning.

To find out about all the exciting things that have been taking place across our vibrant learning community this week don’t forget to click on the link to read about this week’s BMS News……..

Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal