Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 5 February 2016

20160205 1Staff and students at Bushey Meads continue to excel, a fact epitomised by so many students as they took part in a truly eclectic range of exciting learning opportunities provided on our Enrichment Day which took place on Thursday of this week. Amongst a whole host of different experiences, our students were making and launching rockets in Science, designing Mars Rovers in Design and Technology, visiting the V & A Museum in London on a fabulous school trip and some of them even had a chance to try out their manoeuvrability skills in wheelchairs (having also recently raised over £1500 for the Wheelpower charity!)

20160205 2On the enrichment day Year 11 students were also provided with an opportunity to prepare for their English Speaking and Listening component of their GCSE exam and about 60 students had the chance to capitalise on their prior learning in Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Problem Solving and took the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) GCSE-equivalent – many of them passing with A* grades!

After school on Thursday, Bushey Meads School hosted over 35 newly qualified teachers from across the Herts and Bucks area for a training session as part of their Professional Studies Programme. Many of the delegates left the 90 minute session saying that it had been one of the best that they had ever attended – a real credit to Mrs Charles who organised the event and also all the staff who presented some superb ‘soundbites’ and ‘top teaching and learning ideas’ for the new teachers to take away and use in their classrooms to improve student engagement, promote stretch and challenge and raise the achievement of young people in their schools. It was another example of our outstanding culture of collaboration and learning that we have so strongly embedded over recent years.

Following our recent Parent Governor Elections, I would like to thank and congratulate the following parents who have been re-elected – John Hastie and Donna Weatherhead and our two new parent Governors – Rebecca Thomas and Carol Raymond. Their first meeting is the Full Governors Meeting taking place next Wednesday evening which will give them a real insight into the strategic leadership of our wonderful school and all the hard work that our superb Governors do.

20160205 3.jpgFinally don’t forget that next week our annual School Production Oliver is taking place so don’t miss out on what will undoubtedly be some amazing performances. Buy your tickets before we sell out!

On that note may I wish a happy weekend and don’t forget to click on the link to read about the rest of this week’s BMS News……..

Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal