Executive Principal’s Blog – 7.10.22: ‘Taking the First Steps…..’
At the end of the first week in Black History Month it seems apt to consider some of the truths in the saying that Martin Luther King Jr is attributed to have said alluded to in the title of this blog. As we all know Martin Luther King was born in January 1929 and was one of the most prominent leaders in the civil rights movement in America from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. Students this week were inspired by his famous “I have a dream….” speech as they entered the Main Hall for their assemblies led by Assistant Headteacher Ms Knowles.
All students this term have taken their first steps in the next chapter of their lives – in the next year group, a new key stage, working towards new levels of internal or public examinations. Our Year 7 cohort in particular have taken big first steps in their new school, embracing all the challenges and exciting opportunities that this new chapter brings.
Without exception, I have been really impressed with the start that they have made, commended many times for their exceptional attitudes to learning in lessons, the superb way that they are following our Keys to Success and the way that they are demonstrating so many attributes of having a Mind to Be Kind. Yes, it’s early days, but the signs are very positive and we encourage them to keep on this positive trajectory. Martin Luther King Jr said “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” and that is what we want them to do each and every day.

This week I observed a lovely year 7 class being inducted into our state-of-the-art Body Mind Soul gym, all paying perfect attention and excited about the possibilities of using the equipment on offer. We are certainly very lucky at Bushey Meads to have been able to make so many recent investments in our environment for learning and be able to deliver such high quality teaching and learning by well qualified and experienced staff.
As usual, don’t forget to click on the link to read about more about this week’s BMS News……..
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal