Executive Principal’s Blog – 7.6.19: Bringing your Dreams Closer
We all know it is easy to get swept up in the emotion of initial intent, but far harder to keep the journey going. At some stage in our lives we all want to learn to play a musical instrument, become the next amazing dancer, artist, sports person or successful entrepreneur…….….the list goes on.
Our commitment over time though is the key; staying loyal to what we said long after the mood we said it in has passed. It is our commitment that leads to action and action that truly brings our dreams closer.
We all know there is no inherent reason when any of us cannot achieve what we set out to achieve – to improve, to be stronger, to be kinder, to be better in every area of our lives.
If we simply make each and every day a commitment, there is no reason why we can’t be unrecognisable a year from now compared with who we were yesterday. So let’s all commit ourselves today, to be better than yesterday and ensure that our future is better than our past.
Over 320 students from Years 7 – 11 committed themselves to the SAMLearning 10 Hour Challenge launched recently by Assistant Headteacher in charge of teaching and learning Mr Searle and stood up in a main school assembly to receive recognition for their commitment as well as a special certificate. Six top students also received a Kindle Fire 7; our Year 7 and 8 winners are pictured here!
 Commitment is at the very heart of our school and we continue to work hard to ensure that all students achieve their true potential in all that they do. Do enjoy a good weekend and as always don’t forget to click on the link to read this week’s BMS News…….
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal |