Deuxième jour- au chateau
Today we spent the whole day at Chateau de la baudonnière. The students were split into small groups to do activities: archery, rock climbing and orienteering. We had beautiful sunshine for our visit and All students were well behaved and enjoyed the activities which were completely instructed in French! It took a while to get […]
Read MoreNew Art Gallery
Praesent ac tellus non metus vehicula mollis eget id ligula. In semper convallis consequat. Quisque pretium efficitur tortor sed porta. Maecenas magna justo, sollicitudin eu fermentum nec, lacinia a lacus. Sed efficitur nisi ut sem interdum blandit. Nullam erat diam, sollicitudin laoreet felis a, faucibus efficitur augue. Duis tempus, dui in efficitur finibus, quam metus […]
Read MoreSantillana del Mar, España
Esta mañana un grupo de 34 estudiantes del año 10 han madrugado súper temprano. Nos dirigimos hacia Bilbao y después pillamos el bus hacia Santillana del Mar, un pueblo pequeño en Santander. Nuestro hotel es típico de la región y muy bonito. Por la tarde comimos churros con chocolate y después paseamos por el […]
Read MoreYear 8 Spanish trip departure details
Dear Parents and Carers, As advised in our Year 8 Spanish trip meeting, students should assemble on the pavement inside the school gates on Monday 10th July at 08:50 am for a 09:00am departure Please remember to provide your child with a packed meal and any medication needed. He/she should only bring a suitcase if it has […]
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