
Executive Principal’s Blog – 11.12.20: “Hope is being able to see that there is light…”

Posted by James Booth on: December 11 2020

      Executive Principal’s Blog: 11th December 2020     Bushey Meads News   Executive Principal’s Blog – 11.12.20: “Hope is being able to see that there is light…” I would like to once again thank all our parents and carers for their patience and understanding this week in particular as we have had to cope […]

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Executive Principal’s Blog – 4.12.20: ‘The Wonders of Technology?’

Posted by James Booth on: December 4 2020

      Executive Principal’s Blog: 4th December 2020     Bushey Meads News   Executive Principal’s Blog – 4.12.20: ‘The Wonders of Technology?’ Without wanting to get at all political about the situation, a number of school leaders are certainly debating the tension created by the government’s mandate to fully open schools and yet […]

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Executive Principal’s Blog – 27.11.20: ‘Student Voice Continues to Shape the School.’

Posted by James Booth on: November 27 2020

      Executive Principal’s Blog: 27th November 2020     Bushey Meads News   Executive Principal’s Blog – 27.11.20: ‘Student Voice Continues to Shape the School.’ Student voice continues to be heard loudly and clearly at Bushey Meads School and I, as always, am delighted that so many of our wonderful, articulate students want to […]

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Executive Principal’s Blog – 20.11.20: ‘Support for Success!’

Posted by James Booth on: November 20 2020

      Executive Principal’s Blog: 20th November 2020     Bushey Meads News   Executive Principal’s Blog – 20.11.20: ‘Support for Success!’ This week we have had a focus on our High Prior Attaining students and launched a new initiative to support all of our HPAs to taste ongoing success at Bushey Meads. HPA […]

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