
23rd November 2018 – Getting Gritty!

Posted by George Furr on: November 23 2018

It was superb to welcome so many students with their parents and carers to our annual More Able Evening on Tuesday of this week. Held over two ‘sittings’ the Main hall was packed on both occasions and everyone I spoke to was truly inspired with what was showcased. Associate Leader Mrs Wright set the tone […]

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16th November 2018 – BMS Continues to Increase in Popularity!

Posted by George Furr on: November 16 2018

It was a real privilege once again to welcome so many current Year 11 students and their parents and carers to our annual Sixth Form Open Evening on Tuesday of this week. This year we had even more external students from other local schools attending with their families; it is another indication of our real […]

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9th November 2018: Making Memories

Posted by George Furr on: November 9 2018

Corrie Ten Boom reminds us that “memories are the key, not to the past, but to the future” and we all know that the best and most sustaining memories from our own education are created from those learning experiences that were fun. It is often these unique and memorable experiences that really shape our future […]

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26th October 2018: Growing the Leadership within Us

Posted by George Furr on: October 26 2018

  Jack Welch stated that ‘Before you are a leader success is all about growing yourself, when you become a leader success is about growing others’. With an estimated net worth of more than £600 million and a background of being a successful chemical engineer, business executive, author and Chairman and CEO of General Electric […]

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