
Executive Principal’s Blog – 11 November 2016

Posted by Admin on: November 11 2016

This week has been another busy week in the life of the school and it was privilege to welcome so many current Year 11 students and their parents and carers to our annual Sixth Form Open Evening on Tuesday of this week. With nearly 60 external students from other local schools also attending with their […]

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Executive Principal’s Blog – 4 November 2016

Posted by Admin on: November 11 2016

STOP PRESS… BMS Sixth Form Outperforms ALL Sixth Forms in the Local Area This week the DfE performance tables were published for sixth forms across the country and, whilst we knew our results this year had been the best ever for six years, we were delighted to find out just how good our performance at […]

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Executive Principal’s Blog – 21 October 2016

Posted by Admin on: October 21 2016

At the end of a hugely busy but very productive first half term at Bushey Meads School, it was superb to welcome so many of our Year 7 parents and carers to the school yesterday for our very popular Year 7 Curriculum Evening. The highlight of the evening for me was seeing the majority of […]

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Executive Principal’s Blog – 14 October 2016

Posted by Admin on: October 14 2016

Over the last few weeks our dedicated Student Learning Consultants (SLCs) have been showcasing the hugely important contribution they make to our learning community. Leading starters and plenaries in lessons, acting as Visitor Ambassadors (as shown in the picture), conducting regular surveys related to improving teaching and learning and the school and also playing a […]

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