Executive Principal’s Blog – 13.9.19: The 3 Rs at BMS
It has been delightful to see how well our new Year 7 cohort have been welcomed and inducted into our learning community here at BMS.

A huge thank you goes to Assistant Pastoral Manager Ms Smart, Pastoral Assistant Miss King, all the experienced and committed Year 7 Character Development Coaches linked to our new year group and Senior Assistant Headteacher Mr Searle, pictured here speaking at yesterday evening’s important Year 7 Settling-In Evening.
So many parents and carers gave such positive comments about their children’s first two weeks at our school and it was lovely to meet so many of them once again. As parents as carers you have a key role to play in your child’s education; encouraging them to aim for 100% attendance and punctuality, high Attitude to Learning (AtL) levels in every lesson and supporting them effectively with their all-important home learning are just some of the major factors that make a real difference.
With our Theme of the Week of our 3Rs of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships it has been really superb to see so many students making such a positive start to the year, all focussed on building on their previous success and experiences. They say that ‘millimetres make champions’ and so often it is the ‘little things’ that make the ‘big differences’. Looking smart, learning smart, being organised, willing to spend that little bit of extra effort with activities in class or at home and really going the extra mile.
With best wishes for a great weekend and do click on the link to read about the rest of this week’s BMS News……..
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal |