Executive Principal’s Blog – 20.11.20: ‘Support for Success!’
This week we have had a focus on our High Prior Attaining students and launched a new initiative to support all of our HPAs to taste ongoing success at Bushey Meads. HPA students are identified from their attainment at primary school and many of our students fall into this category.
The expectation is that it is easier for them make to even better progress in their learning but, as always, we know this has to be through establishing the basics of:
- Excellent Attendance
- Excellent Attitude to Learning
- Excellent Effort
As parents and carers do support your children to attend school as best they can (even in these challenging times), aim for a Level 7 AtL in every lesson and do encourage them to ask questions, take part enthusiastically in class, make the extra effort with their home learning, read widely and simply go the extra mile in their learning.
The short video of Assistant Headteacher Mr Varsani who is overseeing this new raising achievement initiative showcases what students can do to taste success – whether or not they are HPAs.
Click to view video
The media clip formed part of the special assemblies which took place yesterday and are worth every student listening to. Success is there for everyone and all of you can make a difference. The question is: Are YOU Up for the Challenge?
Do as always remember to click on the usual link to read our latest BMS News.
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal