
Executive Principal's Blog

Executive Principal’s Blog – 27.11.20: ‘Student Voice Continues to Shape the School.’




Executive Principal’s Blog:

27th November 2020



Bushey Meads News

Executive Principal’s Blog – 27.11.20: ‘Student Voice Continues to Shape the School.’

Student voice continues to be heard loudly and clearly at Bushey Meads School and I, as always, am delighted that so many of our wonderful, articulate students want to get involved in the running of the school. They really do make a difference.

Just last week, over 500 students took part in the whole school Covid-19 survey to review all the measures the school has put in place since the first national lockdown back in March 2020; over 44% of those who took part were Key Stage 4 students which was really pleasing. In addition, over 60 staff also gave their views.

Whilst the full results of the survey will be published in our newsletter next week and a useful summary will also be provided, a few key headlines from the survey are detailed below:

  • many of you expressed gratitude for all the measures that have been put in place in the school to keep us all safe
  • the vast majority of you feel very safe, especially on the way to school, entering the school, in Year group zones and in classrooms
  • generally speaking you feel safer now that masks have been introduced at certain times of the day, but you want all students who can to wear them, without being reminded by staff to do so
  • most of you do not want masks to be worn in lessons as you think that this will impact negatively on your learning and wearing them all day will be uncomfortable
  • despite recognising that the school was told by Public Health Advisors to introduce the one-way system in the school, most of you feel that the one-way system has made the school feel less safe
  • many of you have highlighted that the school feels crowded at certain locations, especially on H Corridor
  • many of you consider that the one-way system is making you late for some lessons as you have further to travel

The students’ opinions will help us continue to make the school as safe as possible during these challenging times. Whilst at this stage we cannot get rid of the one-way system completely, in the light of the student feedback we are going to make a significant change which we hope will address the concerns raised. Students will now not need to enter H Block Corridor when coming around the one-way system from Science and Design & Technology.

Now that the large diseased tree by the Pod in the Quad has been removed and new paving provided, students will be able to go straight into the Quadrangle and head up to G Block. This will enable students to go to the School Restaurant and A, B, C, G and L Block via a much quicker route. This will significantly alleviate the crowding in H Block corridor throughout the school day.

What was also very encouraging was the number of really positive comments.

  • The sanitiser dispensers around the school are great!
  • I believe this school has conducted a great positive way to makes sure we are safe and adding in these extra precautions only enhances safety and puts a great big smile on everyone’s faces.
  • From a student’s point of view, the sanitising of tables and the lack of movement in classes makes me feel more comfortable than wearing a mask does.
  • Google classroom is a good tool as teachers send everything on there.
  • Assemblies feel safe anyway because it’s normal.
  • In classrooms its safe as we are constantly spraying everything and wiping.
  • The increased areas for changing in PE are good.
  • I like that the school is following government guidelines with masks in corridors.

A number of comments from staff mirrored the students’ opinions:

  • I have no issues with being in school at all; I am happy with all policies in place.
  • Online parents’ evenings are a triumph and should be the way forward!
  • Thank you for all you are doing to try to keep us safe.
  • I think the school is very safe and has the correct policies in place.

Over the next few weeks we will carefully monitor how the proposed change to the one-way system makes a difference. We may also make other changes in a few weeks’ time based on the feedback provided in the surveys.

Thank you, parents and carers, for your continued support during this time, especially if you are in a period of self-isolation as a family. We do hope you remain safe and well.

Do as always remember to click on the usual link to read our latest BMS News.

Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal