Executive Principal’s Blog – 9.9.22: ’A Moment in History’
As we continue to reflect back on the historic events of the last 24 hours, as a community, whatever we may think about the institution of the monarchy, we all share a common desire to honour our late Queen Elizabeth. The overriding sense of the moment is that of wanting to pay tribute to a life dedicated to the service of others. This morning in Character Development Time students were encouraged to take a few minutes to pay their respects before starting our Friday morning silent reading programme.
Next week we will continue to reflect on her life and support the period of national mourning through our House Assemblies taking place each day.
I would like to thank all students, parents and carers and, of course, our hard working staff for making this week in school such a positive start to the academic year. Students in all year groups have been Aspiring to Achieve and really focused on learning to the best of their ability, all carefully following the ‘Keys to Success’ in every lesson; it has been impressive to see.

It was a real privilege to welcome so many of our new Year 7 parents and carers to yesterday’s Year 7 Settling In Evening. We do hope you found the evening useful and were able to iron out some of the usual worries and anxieties at this important transition stage to secondary school. A big thank you must go to our Pastoral leaders, the Year 7 CDCs, our SENDCo Mrs Seed, Mr Furr our IT Manager across the Trust and Assistant Headteacher Mr Mitman who is the SLT link to Year 7 and coordinated the whole event.
Do click on the link to read this week’s BMS News. With very best wishes for a lovely weekend.
Jeremy Turner
Executive Principal