
Getting to know Geneva

Posted by Admin on: July 13 2017

After our very early start, we reached Gatwick in good time but still had a bit of a rush to reach the gate, which typically was about as far away as it could have been! The flight was short and pleasant and a couple sitting near some of our students commented to me how polite […]

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Martes once de julio

Posted by Admin on: July 12 2017

!Hoy fuimos a Barcelona! The weather was again glorious and we walked down Las Ramblas visiting La Boqueria market where our students practised their Spanish! We then went to the Sagrada Familia Cathedral where we learnt about Antonio Gaudí and our students asked lots of fabulous questions. After a substantial picnic lunch we visited Nou […]

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Lunes diez de julio

Posted by Admin on: July 10 2017

We had a problem free journey despite a very bumpy plane ride and  on arriving in Barcelona we were greeted with glorious sunshine. The  highlight of the day was undoubtably going for our first swim! Everyone enjoyed the tortilla española at dinner and Hafsah’s birthday was celebrated with an enormous chocolate birthday cake! We are […]

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!Hasta pronto!

Posted by Admin on: July 7 2017

Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday. Buen fin de semana Sra C

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