
Executive Principal’s Blog – 7th July 2017 – The Clouds Are Lifted – Everyday!

Posted by Admin on: July 7 2017

As I was on duty on the front gate this morning this photograph that I took reminded me of something that an inspirational colleague said to me some years ago – encapsulated in italics in the title of this week’s EP’s Blog. It also reminded me of what a real privilege it is to work […]

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Los Picos de Europa

Posted by Admin on: July 5 2017

Por la mañana fuimos en autocar hasta los Picos de Europa y montamos en el teleférico de Fuente Dé hasta llegar a la cima de la montaña.   Yo ví una lagartija pequeña que me perseguía. También ví a un toro y unas cabras.  Almorzamos en la cima de la montaña, unos 1,500m por encima […]

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Troisième jour: une journée d’histoire

Posted by Admin on: July 5 2017

A very busy day of activities again! Starting off early we travelled to Bayeux to visit the British Cemetery in glorious sunshine. Students were very respectful and contemplative, asking lots of questions and noting information about the numbers of students buried, their ages and the number of unknown soldiers. Next stop was the Bayeux Tapestry, […]

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Chateau de la baudonnière

Posted by Admin on: July 4 2017

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