
Modern Foreign Languages

Students study a broad topic-based curriculum across the 5 key skills of reading, listening, speaking, writing and translation. Over the 3 years, they will study topics of:
Introductions, family and friends, free-time, clothes and shopping, school, food and drink, holidays and weather, house/local area, environment, new technology, jobs and future plans.
They will also learn key grammatical concepts, introduced progressively over the 3 years, including:
Adjectives, Present tense, Conditional tense, Future tense, Past tenses, opinions and reasons, comparatives and superlatives.

Students follow 3 themes which match the AQA GCSE Specification. These are divided into 8 thematic modules studied over 2 years based curriculum across the 5 key skills. The themes are:

  • Identity and Culture
  • Local, national, international and global areas of interest
  • Current and future study and employment

Students will build on key grammatical concepts from KS3 and will also learn: subjunctive, pluperfect, ambitious phrases, present participles, direct/indirect object pronouns.

Students will further develop all 5 skills and further their grammatical knowledge whilst studying the following over the 2 year course:

  1. Aspects of French/Spanish-speaking society: current trends
  2. Aspects of French/Spanish-speaking society: current issues
  3. Artistic culture in the French/ Spanish -speaking world
  4. Aspects of political life in the French/ Spanish-speaking world
  5. Individual research project on an aspect of one of the above themes
  6. Either one text and one film or two texts in the target language.