Pupils over both will learn a wide range of topics that play an everyday role in their lives.
Year 12 student will learn about how the family has changed over the course of centuries and how this has affected childhood and family diversity. They will also look into education and if everyone really does achieve to the same levels.
Year 13 will begin the year with Crime and Deviance, a look into why some criminals get away with “murder” whilst others are imprisoned for their race or gender. This then leads into Beliefs in Society and how religion is still a prominent force today.
Both years feature Research Methods and Methods in Context which applies Education and Crime and Deviance to the different methods that they have learnt.
This all accumulates at the end of year 13 in three papers that last 2 hours each. Pupils will be required to write a wide scope of exam answers from short answer questions to larger 30 mark essay style questions